Thursday, September 9, 2010

5th Grade Procedures

5th Grade Procedures

Every morning when the students arrive, they complete a DOL. DOL stands for Daily Oral Language. The students are given 2 sentences that have mistakes in them. The students copy the sentences the way they are written on the board. Then, the students use their red pen and proofreading marks to show the necessary changes that need to be made to make the sentences correct. After the changes are made, the students will write the 2 sentences correctly in cursive. After 5 days of completing a DOL and going over the sentences in class, the students will take a DOL quiz that has the EXACT same sentences that were given in class the previous 5 days. The quiz will have anywhere from 5-15 questions where the students either have to correct a sentence from that week’s DOL, choose the correct sentence from 3 or 4 multiple choice options, or make corrections to a couple of sentences in paragraph form. As the year progresses, the students will be given new sentences they have never seen to correct.

At the beginning of each week, students are given an assignment sheet that lists 5 “Word Wall Words” (5th grade high frequency/commonly misspelled words from the Anderson School District Five 5th grade curriculum), 5 roots/stems, and 5 example words that use the 5 roots and stems. Every Monday, students take a pre-test on the first 5 words only. If a student misspells any of 1-5 on the pre-test, that student will have to respell the words on Friday during the post-test from 1-5 that he/she missed. EVERY STUDENT WILL TEST ON 6-15 (the roots/stems and the example words). Learning the roots and stems in 5th grade prepares the students for what they will learn in 6th grade and beyond. These skills are also helpful in building vocabulary!

Weekly Spelling Homework (This stays the same EVERY WEEK!):

Monday- Definitions with the example words (7, 9, 11, 13, 15)
Tuesday- Write sentences with the ones YOU missed from 1-5 on the pre-test and EVERYONE writes sentences with the example words (7, 9, 11, 13, 15)
Wednesday-Thursday- Study for post-test on Friday.

It is YOUR responsibility to practice your words on your own. Use for extra spelling activities. Also, practice writing them over and over! The more you practice, the better you will become. Sometimes you just have to MEMORIZE facts and spelling is a lot of memorization. Break your words into chunks, prefixes, suffixes, roots/stems, and syllables to help you with the spelling! Parents, help your students by quizzing them with a practice test. You can do this on your way to and from school, going to a practice or out to eat.

Reading Log
Every night students are required to read at least 15 minutes or 15 pages. Students need to write the correct information on the reading log EVERY night! Parents, please initial the reading log EVERY night to show that your child did the required reading. The reading logs are not checked every day, but when it is checked, the correct information needs to be on the reading log. Every Monday, the student should have at least 75 minutes or 75 pages of reading completed on their reading log from the previous week. This is why the reading log should be done nightly! Reading is very important!
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” ~ Joseph Addison ~

For ELA, students use a binder that has divided sections. After we do something in class or for homework, ALL the necessary materials and papers go back to the section in which they belong.
For math, science and social studies, students use a composition notebook. Everything for these classes goes in these notebooks. Parents, if you need to see anything from these classes, please ask your child for that subject’s notebook.
Everyone needs to have a red homework folder that can be purchased from the office for $1.50. All communication to the parent or teacher can be found in this red folder. PLEASE check this folder daily! The students will be in charge of keeping their assignments on their assignment sheet. It is the students’ responsibility to write their assignments down. Assignments are posted on the board in each class, so students need to check the board and write down the assignment on their own.
Every student has a pencil pouch that has at least 3-5 pencils, colored pencils, glue stick, a highlighter and a red pen. Students have to come to class each day prepared with the necessary materials. If the student leaves a notebook, folder or any other type of supply needed for class at home or in another teacher’s class, he or she will lose a star. RESPONSIBILITY is very important in 5th grade, so we can be ready for middle school.

Voice Levels
0- Transition, Test Taking, Hallway, Red Cup
1- Working Whisper, Green cup
2- Soft Conversation
3- Loud, PROUD sharing voice (PEEPs)
4- Outside/Recess Voice

Whenever students are performing, presenting in class, or involved in a dramatic reading, they will use their “PEEPs.”
P- Projection (making the voice carry)
E- Empathy (creating emotion in the voice)
E- Enunciation (clearly speaking each word)
P- Pronunciation (pronouncing words correctly without stumbling)

RULES in Fifth Grade
Students are expected to follow Ron Clark’s Essential 55. If you did not purchase a book at the end of 4th grade, you need to buy one for $10 in the office. It is important that the students learn and follow these rules. Students are also required to follow Calhoun’s rules- “Toolbox for Success.” These rules all go hand in hand in helping each student become successful in and out of the classroom. Each student has a copy of the rules in their ELA notebook.

We have high expectations for EVERY student in 5th grade. We do not allow students to just come to school and do nothing. Every student will participate in all class activities and complete all homework assignments. No student will be allowed to bully or cause a problem with anyone in the class because this breaks focus and spoils the learning environment. LEARNING is the primary focus in our classrooms, so everyone needs to be on the right track TOGETHER!

PARENTS, it is very important that you check your child’s red folder DAILY, go on our class websites and blogs, and stay in close contact with your child’s teachers. Behavior sheets come home every Friday, so please look over how many stars were lost and earned each week. If you ever have any questions, please contact your child’s teachers either by email or by phone at the school. Fifth grade is a YEAR TO REMEMBER! So, let’s work together to make 5th grade a SUCCESS!

Other Spelling Tips
Learning a New Spelling Word
1. Look at the word you want to spell.
2. Spell it aloud while pointing to each letter.
3. Write the word and say each letter as you write it.
4. Close your eyes and try to see the word in your mind.
5. Practice spelling the word from the picture in your mind.
6. Repeat until the word is firm. Then try spelling it backwards from the picture in your mind.
Basic Spelling Rules
1. I, u, and v never come at the end of English words.
2. "I" before "e" except after "c" or when saying "A" as in neighbor or weigh.
3. "S-h" is used to say "sh" at the beginning of a word or end of a syllable, but not at the beginning of a syllable after the first one. "Ti", "si" and "ci" are used then. (shoe or dish but... lotion, tension, and social)
4. "E", "i" or "y" may make a "c" or "g" soft. Put an "e" at the end of a word when you want the "c" or "g" at the end to be soft. (rice or change) Keep the "e" there when adding suffixes that begin with "a" or "o". (changeable, noticeable)
5. All syllables must have a vowel. That is why we have an "e" at the end of apple, bottle, table, etc.
6. At the end of a one syllable word that has a single vowel, "f", "l", and "s" are usually doubled.
7. All, full, and till are written with only one "l" when combined with another syllable. (almost, wonderful, until)
8. Single vowel "y" at the end of a word changes to "i" when a suffix is added, except for suffixes that begin with "i." (cry...cries....but crying. Double vowels do not follow this rule: boys)
9. "X" is never followed by "s". (excellent, excited, boxes.)
10. When a word ends in a silent e, remove the e before you add a suffix that begins with a vowel, but keep the e when you add a suffix that begins with a consonant.

MEMORIZE YOUR MULTIPLICATION FACTS!!!!! It is IMPERATIVE that you know your multiplication facts (and of course basic addition and subtraction facts!)
• Set high standards for your child in math. Make sure your child is mathematically challenged and encourage his or her interest and pursuit of math.
• Help children see that math is very much a part of everyday life. From statistics in sports to the sale price of clothing, from the calories in food to the amount of gas needed to travel from one city to another, math is important to us every day. Help your child make these connections to math.
• Point out that many jobs require math. From the scientist to the doctor, from the plant manager to the newspaper salesman, from the computer programmer to the hardware store owner, many jobs require a strong foundation in math. Help your child see that math leads to many exciting career opportunities.
• Stimulate your child's interest in technology. Encourage your child to use calculators and computers to further learning.
• Play games that help children develop decision making and mental math skills. There are many games sold commercially, such as board games, that involve patterns and probability. Play games from your own family traditions such as counting games and games that keep score. Try schoolyard games such as jump rope, hopscotch, and jacks. Games require children to use strategies to make decisions, solve problems, and develop an understanding about numbers and how to use them (number sense) and computational skills.
• Positive attitudes about math will reinforce encouragement. Your feelings will have an impact on how your children think about math and themselves as mathematicians. Positive attitudes about math are important in encouraging your child to think mathematically.

Homework and Study Tips
1. Show an interest in your child's homework assignments. Ask about the subjects and the work to be done.
2. Be a role model -- take the opportunity to read a book or newspaper while your child studies. Reading together helps create a learning atmosphere.
3. Teach your child how to be organized. Be sure he or she keeps a homework assignment book.
4. Eliminate as many distractions as possible during study time.
5. Develop a strategy for dealing with homework. Find a plan that works for your family and stick with it.
6. Try to relate the homework to your child's everyday life. For instance, fractions and measurements can be learned as the child prepares a favorite food.
7. Encourage your child to establish a regular time to do homework. Developing a schedule might help avoid procrastination.
8. Meet with your child's teacher to discuss the nature of the approach to reading, spelling and other topics that your child is being taught.
9. Make sure your child has a specific place to do homework that offers ample lighting, minimal noise and plenty of work space.
10. Praise your child for successfully completing homework. Nothing builds self-esteem like praise from parents.
Reprinted with permission from the Coordinated Campaign for Learning Disabilities (CCLD). Call 1-888-478-6463 for important resources and information about learning disabilities.

11 Ways to Help Your Child Prepare for Tests
To help children prepare adequately for tests (whether teacher-made or standardized), you can do several things to provide support and create a positive test-taking experience.

1. The best way to prepare for tests is to study, know the work, and take the right courses.
2. If your child is nervous at test time, ask her teacher for tips on helping her relax.
3. Make sure that your child is in school during the testing sessions. Do not plan any doctor or dental appointments on test dates.
4. Make sure that you are aware of your child's performance and that you can help interpret the results when they become available.
5. Remember to keep well-informed about your child's tests. Know how test results are used, and how they will affect your child's placement in school.
6. If there are major differences between standardized test scores and school grades, find out why.
7. Encourage your child to study over a period of time rather than "cram" the night before.
8. Encourage your child to listen carefully to all test-taking directions given by the teacher and to ask questions about any directions that are unclear.
9. See that your child gets his/her regular amount of sleep before the tests and is well-rested.
10. Make sure that your child eats his/her usual breakfast on the day of the test. Hunger can detract from a good test performance.
11. Encourage your child to do his/her best.

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