Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fall of the Soviet Union to Present TEST

We will test this unit on Thursday. These questions will guide you while you study!
Fall of the Soviet Union to Present

1. Why is the United States involved in the Middle East?
2. Why did Iraq invade Kuwait?
3. Israel is the state of what religion?
4. Who is the terrorist group who attacked the United States on September 11, 2001? Who was harboring them? Who is their leader? What did the United States do because of these attacks?
5. Who was the dictator in Iraq? What did we suspect they were developing?
6. Why do we involve ourselves in Mexico, Haiti and Cuba?
7. Why do we involve ourselves in Africa?
8. Why do we involve ourselves in the Balkan region of Europe (Serbia and Croatia)?
9. Why are we involved in Asia?
10. What is a terrorist?
11. How do humans change the physical environment?
natural resources-
expansion of transportation systems-
12. What is global warming?
13. How has technology changed daily life since the early 1990s?
mass communication-
14. What is pop culture? Identify examples of cultural exchange between the United States and other countries.
15. Why does the United States use diplomacy first? What method do we use if diplomacy does not work?
16. What is the main goal of the United States when it politically involves itself with other countries?
17. What resource does the United States rely on heavily? Why is this a concern for our country?
18. What does it mean to be a superpower/world power?
19. What is NAFTA and who does it involve?
20. What are weapons of mass destruction?
21. What is homeland security?
22. Give an example of supply and demand.
23. Explain the United States position on the world stage after each event:
Fall of the Soviet Union-

**Use your notes, homework, maps, and worksheets to help study for this test!!**
You will need to label the following countries on a world map:
Croatia, Serbia, U.S.A., Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Haiti, Russia, Darfur, Somalia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Afghanistan, and China

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