Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Fall of the Soviet Union to Present REVIEW
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Fall of the Soviet Union to Present TEST
Fall of the Soviet Union to Present
1. Why is the United States involved in the Middle East?
2. Why did Iraq invade Kuwait?
3. Israel is the state of what religion?
4. Who is the terrorist group who attacked the United States on September 11, 2001? Who was harboring them? Who is their leader? What did the United States do because of these attacks?
5. Who was the dictator in Iraq? What did we suspect they were developing?
6. Why do we involve ourselves in Mexico, Haiti and Cuba?
7. Why do we involve ourselves in Africa?
8. Why do we involve ourselves in the Balkan region of Europe (Serbia and Croatia)?
9. Why are we involved in Asia?
10. What is a terrorist?
11. How do humans change the physical environment?
natural resources-
expansion of transportation systems-
12. What is global warming?
13. How has technology changed daily life since the early 1990s?
mass communication-
14. What is pop culture? Identify examples of cultural exchange between the United States and other countries.
15. Why does the United States use diplomacy first? What method do we use if diplomacy does not work?
16. What is the main goal of the United States when it politically involves itself with other countries?
17. What resource does the United States rely on heavily? Why is this a concern for our country?
18. What does it mean to be a superpower/world power?
19. What is NAFTA and who does it involve?
20. What are weapons of mass destruction?
21. What is homeland security?
22. Give an example of supply and demand.
23. Explain the United States position on the world stage after each event:
Fall of the Soviet Union-
**Use your notes, homework, maps, and worksheets to help study for this test!!**
You will need to label the following countries on a world map:
Croatia, Serbia, U.S.A., Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Haiti, Russia, Darfur, Somalia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Afghanistan, and China
PASS- Reading and Research Standards
Standard 5-1 The student will read and comprehend a variety of literary texts in print and nonprint formats.
Students in grade five read four major types of literary texts: fiction, literary nonfiction, poetry, and drama. In the category of fiction, they read the following specific types of texts: chapter books, adventure stories, historical fiction, contemporary realistic fiction, science fiction, picture books, folktales, legends, tall tales, and myths. In the category of literary nonfiction, they read personal essays, autobiographical and biographical sketches, and speeches. In the category of poetry, they read narrative poems, lyrical poems, humorous poems, and free verse.
5-1.1 Analyze literary texts to draw conclusions and make inferences.
5-1.2 Differentiate among the first-person, limited-omniscient (third person), and omniscient (third person) points of view.
5-1.3 Interpret devices of figurative language (including simile, metaphor, personification, and hyperbole) and sound devices (including onomatopoeia and alliteration).
5-1.4 Analyze literary texts to distinguish between direct and indirect characterization.
5-1.5 Interpret the effect of the author’s craft (for example, tone, figurative language, dialogue, and imagery) on the meaning of literary texts.
5-1.6 Analyze the details that support the expression of the main idea in a given literary text.
5-1.7 Create responses to literary texts through a variety of methods (for example, writing, creative dramatics, and the visual and performing arts).
5-1.8 Analyze works of fiction (including legends and myths) and works of nonfiction (including speeches and personal essays) by characteristics.
5-1.9 Understand the characteristics of poetry (including stanza, rhyme scheme, repetition, and refrain).
5-1.10 Predict events in literary texts on the basis of cause-and-effect relationships.
5-1.11 Read independently for extended periods of time for pleasure.
Understanding and Using Informational Texts
Standard 5-2 The student will read and comprehend a variety of informational texts in print and nonprint formats.
Students in grade five read informational (expository/persuasive/argumentative) texts of the following types: essays, historical documents, informational trade books, textbooks, news and feature articles, magazine articles, advertisements, encyclopedia entries, reviews (for example, book, movie, product), journals, and speeches. They also read directions, maps, time lines, graphs, tables, charts, schedules, recipes, and photos embedded in informational texts. In addition, they examine commercials, documentaries, and other forms of nonprint informational texts.
5-2.1 Summarize the central idea and supporting evidence of a given informational text.
5-2.2 Analyze informational texts to draw conclusions and make inferences.
5-2.3 Analyze a given text to detect author bias (for example, unsupported opinions).
5-2.4 Create responses to informational texts through a variety of methods (for example, drawings, written works, and oral presentations).
5-2.5 Use titles, print styles, chapter headings, captions, subheadings, and white space to gain information.
5-2.6 Use graphic features (including illustrations, graphs, charts, maps, diagrams, and graphic organizers) as sources of information.
5-2.7 Use functional text features (including tables of contents, glossaries, indexes, and appendixes).
5-2.8 Predict events in informational texts on the basis of cause-and-effect relationships.
5-2.9 Read independently for extended periods of time to gain information.
Building Vocabulary
Standard 5-3 The student will use word analysis and vocabulary strategies to read fluently.
5-3.1 Use context clues (for example, those that provide an example, a definition, or a restatement) to generate the meanings of unfamiliar and multiple-meaning words.
5-3.2 Use Greek and Latin roots and affixes to determine the meanings of words within texts. (See Instructional Appendix: Greek and Latin Roots and Affixes.)
5-3.3 Interpret the meaning of idioms and euphemisms encountered in texts.
5-3.4 Spell correctly
• multisyllabic constructions,
• double consonant patterns, and
• irregular vowel patterns in multisyllabic words.
Applying the Skills of Inquiry and Oral Communication
Standard 5-6 The student will access and use information from a variety of sources.
5-6.1 Clarify and refine a research topic.
5-6.2 Use print sources (for example, books, magazines, charts, graphs, diagrams, dictionaries, encyclopedias, atlases, thesauri, newspapers, and almanacs) and nonprint sources to access information.
5-6.3 Select information appropriate for the research topic.
5-6.4 Paraphrase research information accurately and meaningfully.
5-6.5 Create a list of sources that contains information (including author, title, and full publication details) necessary to properly credit and document the work of others.
5-6.6 Use the Internet as a source of information.
5-6.7 Use vocabulary (including Standard American English) that is appropriate for the particular audience or purpose.
5-6.8 Use appropriate organizational strategies to prepare written works and oral and visual presentations.
5-6.9 Select appropriate graphics, in print or electronic form, to support written works and oral and visual presentations.
Preparing for PASS- Social Studies Standards
United States Studies: 1865 to Present
Standard 5-1: The student will demonstrate an understanding of Reconstruction and its impact on racial relations in the United States.
5-1.1 Summarize the aims of Reconstruction and explain the effects of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination on the course of Reconstruction. (P, H, E)
5-1.2 Summarize the provisions of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution, including how the amendments protected the rights of African Americans and sought to enhance their political, social, and economic opportunities. (P, E, H)
5-1.3 Explain the effects of Reconstruction on African Americans, including their new rights and restrictions, their motivations to relocate to the North and the West, and the actions of the Freedmen’s Bureau. (P, G, E, H)
5-1.4 Compare the economic and social effects of Reconstruction on different populations, including the move from farms to factories and the change from the plantation system to sharecropping. (E, P)
5-1.5 Explain the purpose and motivations behind the rise of discriminatory laws and groups and their effect on the rights and opportunities of African Americans in different regions of the United States. (P, G, E, H)
Standard 5-2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the continued westward expansion of the United States.
5-2.1 Explain how aspects of the natural environment—including the principal mountain ranges and rivers, terrain, vegetation, and climate of the region—affected travel to the West and thus the settlement of that region. (G, H)
5-2.2 Illustrate the effects of settlement on the environment of the West, including changes in the physical and human systems. (G)
5-2.3 Summarize how railroads affected development of the West, including their ease and inexpensiveness for travelers and their impact on trade and the natural environment. (G, E, H)
5-2.4 Provide examples of conflict and cooperation between occupational and ethnic groups in the West, including miners, ranchers, and cowboys; Native Americans and Mexican Americans; and European and Asian immigrants. (E, H)
5-2.5 Explain the social and economic effects of the westward expansion on Native Americans, including changes in federal policies, armed conflicts, opposing views concerning land ownership, and Native American displacement. (P, G, E, H)
Standard 5-3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of major domestic and foreign developments that contributed to the United States’ becoming a world power.
5-3.1 Explain how the Industrial Revolution was furthered by new inventions and technologies, including new methods of mass production and transportation and the invention of the light bulb, the telegraph, and the telephone. (E, H)
5-3.2 Identify prominent inventors and scientists of the period and summarize their inventions or discoveries, including Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, the Wright Brothers, and Albert Einstein. (H)
5-3.3 Explain the effects of immigration and urbanization on the American economy during the Industrial Revolution, including the role of immigrants in the work force and the growth of cities, the shift from an agrarian to an industrial economy, and the rise of big business. (P, G, E, H)
5-3.4 Summarize the significance of large-scale immigration and the contributions of immigrants to America in the early 1900s, including the countries from which they came, the opportunities and resistance they faced when they arrived, and the cultural and economic contributions they made to this nation. (P, G, E, H)
5-3.5 Explain how building cities and industries led to progressive reforms, including labor reforms, business reforms, and Prohibition. (P, G, E, H)
5-3.6 Summarize actions by the United States that contributed to the rise of this nation as a world power, including the annexation of new territory following the Spanish-American War and the role played by the United States in the building of the Panama Canal and in World War I. (P, G,
Standard 5-4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the economic boom-and-bust in America in the 1920s and 1930s, its resultant political instability, and the subsequent worldwide response.
5-4.1 Summarize changes in daily life in the boom period of the 1920s, including the improved standard of living; the popularity of new technology such as automobiles, airplanes, radio, and movies; the Harlem Renaissance and the Great Migration; Prohibition; and racial and ethnic conflict. (P, E, H)
5-4.2 Summarize the stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression, including economic weakness, unemployment, failed banks and businesses, and migration from rural areas. (P, G, E, H)
5-4.3 Explain the immediate and lasting effect on American workers caused by innovations of the New Deal, including the Social Security Act, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Civilian Conservation Corps. (P, E, H)
5-4.4 Explain the principal events related to the United States’ involvement in World War II—including the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the invasion in Normandy, Pacific island hopping, the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki—and the role of key figures in this involvement such as Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin, and Adolf Hitler. (P, G, H)
5-4.5 Summarize the political and social impact of World War II, including changes in women’s roles, in attitudes toward Japanese Americans, and in nation-state boundaries and governments. (P, E, H)
5-4.6 Summarize key developments in technology, aviation, weaponry, and communication and explain their effect on World War II and the economy of the United States. (P, E, H)
5-4.7 Explain the effects of increasing worldwide economic interdependence following World War II, including how interdependence between and among nations and regions affected economic productivity, politics, and world trade. (P, G, E, H)
Standard 5-5: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the social, economic, and political events that influenced the United States during the Cold War era.
5-5.1 Summarize the impact of cultural developments in the United States following World War II, including the significance of pop culture and mass media and the population shifts to the suburbs. (G, H)
5-5.2 Summarize changes in the United States economy following World War II, including the expanding job market and service industry, consumerism, and new technology. (E, P, H)
5-5.3 Explain the advancement of the civil rights movement in the United States, including key events and people: desegregation of the armed forces, Brown v. Board of Education, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Malcolm X. (P, G, H)
5-5.4 Explain the course of the Cold War, including differing economic and political philosophies of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and the United States, the spread of Communism, McCarthyism, the Korean Conflict, the Berlin Wall, the space race, the Cuban missile crisis, and the Vietnam War. (P, G, E, H)
5-5.5 Explain the political alliances and policies that impacted the United States in the latter part of the twentieth century, including the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the United Nations, and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). (P, H, E, G)
Standard 5-6: The student will demonstrate an understanding of developments in the United States since the fall of the Soviet Union and its satellite states in 1992.
5-6.1 Use a map to identify the regions of United States political involvement since the fall of the communist states, including places in the Middle East, Central America, the Caribbean, Africa, the Balkans in Europe, and Asia. (P, G, H)
5-6.2 Explain how humans change the physical environment of regions and the consequences of such changes, including use of natural resources and the expansion of transportation systems. (P, G, E)
5-6.3 Explain how technological innovations have changed daily life in the United States since the early 1990s, including changes in the economy and the culture that were brought about by computers, electronics, satellites, and mass communication systems. (E, H)
5-6.4 Identify examples of cultural exchange between the United States and other countries that illustrate the importance of popular culture and the influence of American popular culture in other places in the world, including music, fashion, food, and movies. (G, H)
5-6.5 Summarize the changes that have taken in United States foreign policy since 1992, including the globalization of trade and the war on terrorism. (P, H, G, E)
5-6.6 Compare the position of the United States on the world stage following World War I, World War II, and the collapse of the communist states. (P, H)
Friday, April 16, 2010
LWW vocabulary 5-8
1.Faun- a mythical creature with the body of a man and goat-like ears, tail, horns, and hooves )
2.Enemies- someone you feel hatred for, someone who could cause you harm.
3.Handkerchief- a small piece of fabric made of silk or other fabric that is used for wiping one’s nose (usually square)
4.Beckoned- To signal by motion of the head or hand
5.Disposal- to get rid of or to discard
6.Sightseers- people who go out to see major places or sights
7.Festoons- String or chain of flowers, ribbons, etc. hanging from a curve between two points
8.Premises- a location
9.Prophecy- Something told about what will happen in the future
10.Superior- higher in rank, degree or importance
11.Secret police- a police force that operates with out others knowing.
12.Camphor- an aromatic insect repellent
13.Lamppost-a post, usually of metal, supporting a lamp that lights a street, park, etc.
14.Fraternizing- associating with another or others, when such association has been strictly prohibited
15.Beasts-An animal other than a human, especially a large four-footed mammal that is cruel, coarse and filthy.
16.Consideration-a thought or reflection; an opinion based upon reflection.
17.Earnestly- Sincere; serious
18.Reign- Period of power of a ruler
Help Support West Market

West Market Competing for $250,000 Pepsi Grant
West Market Early Childhood and Education Center is competing with other worthy causes nationwide for a $250,000 grant from the “Pepsi Refresh Project,” a grant program currently underway.
During the month of April, supporters can vote for West Market online at: www.refresheverything.com/bigchangeforyoungchildren. You can vote once a day through the end of the competition on April 30th.
Important to note: Within the District, you should sign in to the website by clicking the small “Join Refresh Everything” link at the bottom left of the computer screen.
There are other ways to sign in offered on the site, but these are blocked by the District’s web filter. On your home computer, you may sign in by any of the ways offered on the site.
The West Market proposal, called “Big Change for Young Children,” would provide support for the center in a time of economic recession and deep state budget cuts. The money would be used for such things as technology and hands-on material used to teach young children and for the salaries of early childhood educators.
This year the Pepsi Refresh Project, sponsored by PepsiCo Beverages Americas, will give away more than $20 million to worthy causes. Each month, Pepsi will award up to $1.3 million in grants to the ideas with the most votes. Pepsi will accept up to 1,000 new ideas every month and the public decides who wins.
To support the project, Pepsi is partnering with three organizations dedicated to making a positive difference in the world: GOOD, a leading platform for thought and action revolving around pushing the world forward; Global Giving, an online marketplace that connects people who have community and world-changing ideas with people who can support them; and Do Something, the largest non-profit teen charity.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Vocab 1-4

Click on the picture to make it larger! :) You will have a quiz on Friday on these 22 words. It will either be matching or fill in the blank! STUDY HARD!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Fall of the Soviet Union to Present
5.6.1 Use a map to identify the regions of United States political involvement since the fall of the communist states, including places in the Middle East, Central America, theCaribbean, Africa, the Balkans in Europe, and Asia. (P, G, H)
Students must be able to use a map to identify the various regions of United States political involvement since the fall of the communist states. Students should be able to identify the Middle East, Central America, Africa, and Asia. The indicator implies that students should know these regions because of United States’ political involvement, so it is important that students understand why and how the United States was/is involved in these regions.
The United States is involved in the Middle East [Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq] because of this region’s reserves of oil and the U.S.’s economic dependence on oil. Religion (Islam, Judaism, and Christianity) has also played a role in the conflict in the Middle East and in the role of the United States in the region [Israel]. As a result of the atrocities of World War II against the Jews, the United States supports the Jewish state of Israel through diplomatic recognition and military aid. Opposition to the state of Israel by the Palestinians, who are Muslims, has led to wars and terrorist activities in the region. When Iraq invaded Kuwait to take their oil fields in the early 1990s, the United States led the international community in its liberation of Kuwait. The presence of the American military in the Muslim country of Saudi Arabia in preparation for this war led to the formation of the al Qaeda terrorist group against the United States. Al Qaeda masterminded the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. This led the United States to overthrow the governments of Afghanistan, which was harboring al Qaeda, and Iraq, which the United States mistakenly believed was developing weapons of mass destruction. The United States continues to support the creation of democratic governments in Afghanistan and Iraq with American troops and to support Israel’s right to exist.
The United States has been involved in Central America [Mexico] and the Caribbean [Haiti and Cuba] since the 19th century. American economic investments in the region led to American military interests and involvement. The United States has a military base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. Immigrants from Central American and Caribbean countries regions have impacted American policy.
The United States has limited its involvement to diplomacy and humanitarian aid to drought-stricken and war-torn areas in Africa [Somalia, Darfur].
The United States took a military and diplomatic leadership role in stopping the human rights violations and ethnic cleansing in the Balkan region of Europe [Serbia and Croatia].
The United States has also been involved in Asia: the Far East [China], the near east [Russia] and southwest Asia [Afghanistan]. The Chinese economy is quickly increasing to rival the United States’ economy and the U.S. trade relations with China are of concern. Russia also represents a growing economy and a nuclear power. The United States continues to have troops in Afghanistan.
5.6.2 Explain how humans change the physical environment of regions and the consequences of such changes, including use of natural resources and the expansion of transportation systems. (P, G, E)
Humans alter the physical environment and these changes have consequences. Students should be able to make a causal connection between human actions and their short term and long term effects on the environment. Examples to include when discussing this connection are: the production of oil, natural gas, and petroleum products; coal mining; increasing urban population and consumerism; and the expansion of transportation networks, including the prevalence of and impact of automobiles. Each of these activities involves the creation of byproducts that contribute to pollution of the environment. Pollutants contribute to air and water pollution, impact the atmosphere and contribute to global warming. Global warming has resulted from the hole in the ozone layer caused by pollutants and led to the melting of the polar ice caps. Concerns about global warming and about the worldwide extinction of plants and animals have prompted conservation efforts. Increases in world population and the demand this places on limited world resources has resulted in an increased awareness that Americans use more resources and create more pollution than others in industrialized nations. However, this has not resulted in significant policy changes in the United States. Because these environmental impacts have occurred throughout American history, they may be discussed at any time in the curriculum when they are a natural result of historical changes such as during industrialization of the late 19th century or in the post-World War II period of expanding population and consumerism.
5.6.3 Explain how technological innovations have changed daily life in the United States since the early 1990s, including changes in the economy and the culture that were brought about by computers, electronics, satellites, and mass communication systems. (E, H)
As technological advances are made, culture changes. The technological impact on the culture and daily lives of people is woven throughout history. Just as the introduction of radio in the 1920s and the prevalence of television in the 1950s impacted the daily life of Americans, so too did significant developments in technology change the daily lives of Americans since the early 1990s. Improvements in the area of computers, electronics, satellites, and global communication systems have changed the way
that Americans communicate with one another and with others around the world. This worldwide and rapid communication has opened up avenues of trade that include services as well as faster trade in goods. This increasing global trade has had an impact on the American economy as Americans compete for jobs with others around the world. Some American industries have downsized as operations are moved to countries where labor costs are cheaper. This has severely impacted the daily lives of those who have lost jobs and status. Technological advances have also increased in the area of personal entertainment such as personal computers, the Internet, cellular phones, email, personal digital assistant (PDAs), digital music players (IPod/mp3), and satellite television and radio. Increasingly this has brought about cultural conflict as some traditional cultures resist the encroachment of American values along American products and entertainment on their traditional societies.
5.6.4 Identify examples of cultural exchange between the United States and other countries that illustrate the importance of popular culture and the influence of American popular culture in other places in the world, including music, fashion, food, and movies. (G, H)
Music includes the development and spread of American jazz, rock and roll, country music and American musical theater. However these “American” musical genres were also heavily influenced by other world cultures. The creation of American jazz is the result of African Americans sharing of their cultural heritage and was transferred to Europe during World War I. Rock and roll developed from jazz and the blues but was heavily influenced by the Beatles and other rock groups that originated in England.
Country music developed in the colonial backcountry that was heavily settled by the Scots-Irish who brought their musical traditions with them. Some Americans enjoy classical music which had its origins in Europe and many immigrants to America continue to enjoy the music of their native cultures.
In fashion, the most important example of the influence of American popular culture is the prevalence and popularity of blue jeans throughout the world. These are thoroughly American as they originated during the California Gold Rush. American movie stars help to spread the popularity of other fashions, however, high fashion is still heavily influenced by European designers.
American foods are the result of adaptation from the cultures of immigrants to the United States. There is no truly authentic American food despite the saying “American as apple pie,” except for perhaps corn which the Native Americans cultivated. However, American fast food companies have heavily influenced other cultures. You can find McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell, Coca Cola and many other American fast food restaurants in most places around the world.
Since the 1920s, American movies and television have spread American culture around the world. This has caused some misperceptions around the world about typical American experiences. Some countries in the Middle East ban American movies because their R-rated content offends their religious and moral values. Some “American” movie stars hail from many other English-speaking countries including, England, Scotland, Australia and Canada. Increasingly other nations are developing their own movie productions which reflect their own cultural values such as the Indian film industry in Hollywood. Ideas for television shows have originated in other parts of the world and spread to the United States. For instance, some reality shows and some game shows were started in other parts of the world.
Sports are an important part of American popular culture. A version of stick ball, which Americans call baseball, has transferred to other cultures, particularly to Japan, as a result of the American occupation after World War II. Basketball has also been adopted around the world. However most of the world still prefers soccer to American football and soccer is becoming increasingly popular in the United States.
5.6.5 Summarize the changes that have taken place in United States foreign policy since 1992, including the globalization of trade and the war on terrorism. (P, H, G, E)
Changes that have taken place in United States foreign policy since 1992 are primarily related to the fall of the Soviet Union in the late 1980s and the end of the Cold War. In order to summarize changes the student has to understand that the fundamental policy driving foreign policy pre-1992 was containment. The Cold War influenced all American foreign affairs for almost a half-century. In the years since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States has been the dominant military power.
As a result of the attacks of September 11, 2001, the United States has taken an increasingly active and leading role in addressing the issue of global terrorism. Centering its attention on the terrorist group known as al Qaeda, led by Osama bin Laden, the United States has directed its efforts by taking military action in Afghanistan, against the Taliban government suspected of protecting bin Laden, and against the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, who was suspected of developing weapons of mass destruction. The Taliban government in Afghanistan was defeated and a newly elected democratic government is beginning a new era. The Saddam Hussein-led government in Iraq was defeated. However, no weapons of mass destruction have been found. Free elections were held in Iraq; however, the fighting between rival factions of Islamic militants continues to threaten the stability of the new democratic government. As of the spring of 2008 [the date of this writing], the United States continues to be committed with both military and diplomatic efforts to the establishment of democratic governments in each nation and to the rebuilding process in Afghanistan and Iraq.
5-6.6 Compare the position of the United States on the world stage following World War I, World War II, and the collapse of the communist states. (P, H)
The position of the United States on the world stage has changed over the course of the twentieth century and into the 21st century. The power and influence of the United States in international affairs has continued to grow from the conclusion of World War I to the fall of the Soviet Union and the present. However, the role of the United States is being called into question today.
Following the success of the Allied powers in World War I, the United States became a major voice at the peace talks, however the United States retreated into isolationism in the post-war period. Woodrow Wilson helped to forge the nation-states of eastern Europe and championed the establishment of an international peace organization, the League of Nations, through his influential role at the negotiation of the Treaty of Versailles. However, the United States Congress refused to ratify the treaty. During the
1920s, the United States took a role in world affairs, but did not join the League of Nations. In the 1930s, Congress passed the Neutrality Acts limiting America’s role in the world in an attempt to avoid involvement in any future wars. However, this became impossible when the Japanese attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor.
In the years following World War II, the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union required that the United States take an increasingly more active role in world affairs in order to contain communism. In order to carry out this policy of containment, the United States assisted in the rebuilding of Europe through the Marshall Plan and its defense through the North American Treaty Organization
(NATO). The U.S. provided military protection and supported the economic development of its World War II enemies, Germany and Japan, in order to contain the USSR. The United States fought wars in Asia to prevent the spread of communism as part of the policy of containment. The Korean War resulted in a stalemate, while the Vietnam War ended in the communist takeover of that nation. In Latin America, the United States attempted to contain the spread of communism by isolating Cuba and supporting dictators who were pro-American. In the Middle East, the United States guaranteed the right of Israel to exist and warned the Soviet Union not to become involved [Eisenhower Doctrine] in disputes in the region. Both the United States and the Soviet Union developed nuclear weapons and space technology in order to protect themselves from each other and became the world’s military “superpowers.”
With the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, the United States was left as the sole economic, diplomatic, and military superpower. However, today the United States’ economic position is being called into question by changes due to globalization of trade. Diplomatically, other countries are questioning the United States’ unilateral decisions that have global implications such as the war in the Middle East, energy policy and global warming. The military resources of the United States are being stretched to their capacity as a result of the continuing commitments of the Cold War and commitments of the war on terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Today the WRTY (Calhoun's 5th grade news show) news crew went to tour WYFF News 4 News Station. We enjoyed a nice walk an lunch at Falls Park in Greenville, then went to tour the station and watch a live shooting of the 12:00 news. The kids learned so much and everyone was so nice! Thank you Mr. Smith for all of your hard work and dedication to WRTY! Fifth graders, "YOU ROCK!"
Assignment Sheet April 12-16
PASS Testing resumes in MAY!!! Be prepared
Our newest novel is C.S. Lewis's The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. We will continue to prepare for PASS testing.
Be on the lookout for a TEST on Mean, Median, Mode, and Range on Friday!
We are continuing to explore our Mixtures and Solutions unit.
We will have a test on the Cold War then head into the fall of U.S.S.R. up to present times.
Vocabulary PART 1 for TLWW
wardrobe London
housekeeper imaginary
scarlett row
hoax inquisitive
sledge parcels
dwarf tongs
passage heather
Be helpful. When you see a person without a smile, give him yours. ~ Zig Ziglar